This month is the third birthday of Empowered VA Services and in those three years I have definitely learnt a lot! In January 2017, I decided to stop doing things for free and start a business and it was the best thing that I decided to do! I didn’t want to write a rambly blog where I thank everyone who has helped me in the past three years because they know who they are and I thank them on a regular basis. Instead I am going to pick the top three things that I have learnt so far and then make it an anniversary post, starting next year, where I pick the one main thing I have learnt in the coming year and share it with you all. So this is to become a yearly thing (makes a note to myself on a post it note!)

1. Stay true to the people who helped you in the beginning
I have people who I still work with from the beginning. I haven’t changed their prices and I don’t plan on it because it’s not just about the work from them for me. It’s the fact that they took a chance on me. They taught me valuable business lessons, helped me get clients and opened up a huge network of business connections for me.

2. Plan, plan and plan again
I haven’t been very good at this and this is something that I am changing for 2020. I used to sit at my desk and do “a bit of this and a bit of that”. Now I will have set days for my clients so Monday will be Client A and so forth depending on how many hours I do for them a month.

3. Self Care is key!
Again this is another thing I am focusing on this year! I used to work 7 days a week and burn myself out. If I have a week where I do 7 days now some of them will be half days so that I can read or watch TV. Something where I can relax and not over do it. There is a blog to come in a couple of weeks on self care and why it has become of importance to me now!

Out of those three I would say number one is definitely the main thing that I have learnt this year. Those people who helped you at the start and who are still with you today are the most important connections that you will make!

I’ve learnt so much more than just these three things during my first few years but if I wanted to share them all I would be sat here for hours and my short blog would become a dissertation!

What are the main three things you have learnt since starting your business?